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Paying in cash helps you save more money and makes you less dependent on your credit card. Primerica strongly recommends people to pay in cash because those who develop the habit of using cash instead of credit cards are more likely to spend less. Credit card users buy more things, pay a higher price for them and sometimes are not entirely aware of how much they’ve spent compared to those who use cash. Using credit cards, more often than not, results to impulse buying, which is a terrible financial habit. Those who pay in cash learn how to save up for the things they need to buy and not just charge everything on the card.
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The bottom line: cash is king. Using cash lets you live within your means, and lets you budget and plan your future purchases. Based on studies, those who budget and plan are almost 40% wealthier than those who don’t.*
To learn how Primerica can help you get off the crazy debt train, visit www.primerica.com.
*SmartMoney, September 2008
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